Nokia Lumia 800 Illuminate London's Skyline in 4D Posted: 28 Nov 2011 04:56 PM PST  To celebrate the launch of Nokia new smartphone Lumia 800, Nokia is bringing together world renowned producer, deadmau5 and the world's leading 4D projection team for an unprecedented projection show on this November 28.
Plans are to put on a spectacular light show on the full length of the 120 meter building of London's Millbank Tower. The show will use the 800 windows of the skyscraper as the canvas for the spectacle accompanied by a live music performance. deadmau5 will be performing two new tracks created especially for the event.
The 30-minute show will be able to be viewed from both the north and south sides of the River Thames, and will also be broadcast live online on Nokia UK's Facebook page.
Known as a "4D" projection (a term the team made up to distinguish it from normal projections), the 4D team scanned the exterior of the tower using lasers, and built a 3D model of it accurate to within 5mm. They then create animations and map them exactly to the building. The Millbank Tower will be effectively blacking out to project images of it back onto the building.
Of course, the show will culminate with a giant mobile phone appearing to mark the launch of Nokia's Lumia 800- to signals a new dawn for the company.    + Nokia
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If you’re still recovering from a day of camping out and fighting the crowds for Black Friday holiday gifts, might I suggest one more item for your list? Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed was recently published by Sterling Press and it rates as one of the finer titles on tattoos that I have seen in while. Science Ink is written by Carl Zimmer, a science writer with great credentials and whose blog rates a spot on my blogroll shortlist.I have been a fan of Carl Zimmer’s Science Tattoo Emporium since 2008, even warranting a mention in a stand-alone post here. I was excited to hear last year that he was compiling a book on the subject of scientific tattoos, as, unlike a lot of the work in London Tattoos (my last review, which appeared here), the ink is drenched in meaning. As a storyteller and a writer, I’ll admit to favoring tattoos that have stories and/or specific meaning behind them. Not that I don’t appreciate a fine work of body art that is beautiful for beauty’s sake. I just find myself more intellectually stimulated by tattoos that pack a narrative punch. This is also why I dig literary tattoos. All that being said, Zimmer should be commended for compiling a whole slew of scientific ink, and organizing it in such a thoughtful and pleasing way. Chapters are divided up by category (Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Earth Sciences, etc.) with photos of the contributors work, along with a paragraph or two devoted to explaining the accompanying pieces. These are not tattoos that resulted from walking in to a shop and picking flash off the wall. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Rather, we’re treated to tattoos that were clearly thought out and executed with the purpose of connecting to the individuals passion for their intellectual stimuli. Tattoo purists may look at this book and cringe at the quality of some of the tattoos depicted. But the quality is not the point, and there is a lot of fine work, nonetheless. With a few exceptions, we are not seeing work contributed by tattoo aficionados. Instead, we get a glimpse of tattoos from people that you don’t normally associate with ink: scientists, doctors, university professors, and anthropologists. For that reason, Science Ink succeeds in drawing in the reader to the individual narrative behind the tattoo. What makes someone who is uninked take the leap and go under the needle? Ultimately, it is the answer to that question that propels the mini-narratives forward and make Science Ink such a compelling read. Above and beyond the appreciation of tattoos, the book speaks to a larger audience, those who are steeped in the sciences and those who don’t consider themselves part of a “tattoo culture”. Ultimately, not everyone who is science-minded gets a tattoo related to their field, but a mathematician may understand someone’s desire to get an interesting equation inked on their forearm more than they would, say, getting a flaming skull or a scattering of cherry blossoms. The biggest fault I find with Science Ink is not an original one. Marisa over at Needles and Sins voiced the disappointment in her review, as well, that the artists who created the body art are rarely named by the contributors. I always ask Tattoosday contributors to disclose their artists’ names to give credit where credit is due. Occasionally I meet people who do not recall the names of their artists, but that tends to be a smaller percentage. Zimmer includes a thumbnail “visual index” of contributors. It would be nice, if there is ever a Science Ink II, to include an index of artists, as well. As a saving grace, Zimmer does credit the artists on his website here, but I only discovered that by accident.** I’d imagine, however, that to the bulk of the reading audience, the tattooist’s identity is not as important and may seem extraneous, but for many it is nice to see credit where credit is due. All in all, however, Zimmer hits the ball out of the park with a wonderful tattoo-themed product that I fully endorse and recommend. With the holidays just around the corner, this would make a great gift for the science obsessed person in your life!**After this posted, Carl Zimmer e-mailed me: "Thanks! I agree that the artists should get credit. My designer and I put together a list, but a change in schedule prevented the publisher from putting it into the book. We'll be sure to get it into the next printing". This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I can contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Passive House by Architect Lieselotte Steurbaut Posted: 22 Nov 2011 07:30 PM PST The house for Belgium architect Lieselotte Steurbaut is a wooden house constructed in only 6 months, with a budget of 1.140 euro/m2 and a monthly gas and electricity bill of 10 euros. The house in every way is a fine example of green residential where energy efficiency, reducing ecological footprint is the priority.
Everywhere we heard & knew that constructing a green building will be more expensive than a conventional building. But the Passive House is an answer to the challenge of an 'economic house'.
Build on a small plot, this compact size, relatively close-looking cube house, which is perpendicular to the south from a big bite taken and windows provided, that act as the 'radiator' for the house. A timber frame, with ThermoWood wall paneling, wood joinery, and a complete interior finishing in OSB (Oriented strand board).
Reduced pipe lengths for ventilation, water, gas, electricity provides a simple technical installation. All rooms were place together to reduced the used on walls which leave plenty of free space for creativity and family gathering. + Lieselotte Steurbaut | ilovebelgium
 There are plenty of websites where you can find tribal tattoo pictures if you are thinking of having one. Tribal tattoo pictures can help you decide which one to have on your skin. Aside from checking online tribal tattoo pictures you can also ask to see the tattoo designs of the shop or artist you choose to get your tattoo from. People have different intentions why they want to have tattoos. Some have them for sex appeal. We can't deny the fact that there is something terribly sexy about tattoos especially if they are inked in a specific place like the arms, at the back, or legs. Choosing the right design to have is crucial as well as its location. Detail and color that can catch someone's attention is also important.  Other people use tattoo as a medium to express their individuality, their beliefs and sometimes the current state of their emotions. IF you are having tattoos for this reason, you might want to think very carefully about what you put in your skin for having a tattoo is almost a permanent thing. Should you decide to have it removed, it will cost you. Statement tattoos should be done in a very tasteful and classic design that will not go out of style after some time. It should also be a true representation of your beliefs and convictions, something you live by and you truly understand. Tattooing nowadays has become an artistic impression to avid tattoo fans. They use their skin as a canvass for their artwork. You will be amazed and fascinated of how some people have very extensive and elaborate tattoo designs. In ancient times, tattoos serve as identification to certain tribes. Some consider it as a right of passage while others use tattoos to signify their rank and to let the others know of their achievement on the battle field. Recent discoveries tell us that ancient people have been using tattoos as far as the Neolithic age. The very first man discovered to have tattoos was the Iceman Otzi who live 3,300 BC. Though we might not know exactly the reason why they had it, it is certain that having tattoos have a very significant meaning or at least it means something to a particular reason. Plenty of websites offer tribal tattoo pictures that will truly serve its purpose. You can have it printed and brought to your chosen tattoo artist to copy. The only tricky thing about tattoos is choosing the right artist or shops to ink it on your skin. Even though there are a few cases of blood transmitted diseases through tattoos, it is best to carefully check the credentials of the tattoo artist or shop. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Ask if you can see their equipments and certification. Certain states require tattoo shops and artists to get certified by the health department before they can operate. Ask them to get a skin test first for the pigment or ink they will use on you to check if you have any allergic reactions. Again it is better to be safe than sorry.
Within the existing day Celtic Tattoo Designs are well-liked in tattoo fine art, in addition to in jewellery along with other artwork. Celtic Tattoo Designs are composed of endless loops that are a symbol from the actually repeating cycle of death and rebirth. Celtic Tattoo Designs are similarly composed of interlacing loops but on this situation the loops generally end within the limbs or head from the animal. The accurate meaning from the Celtic Tattoo Designs defies created translation and is expressed in a deep spiritual degree. Celts regardless of whether of Scots, Welsh or Irish origin make use of the Celtic Tattoo Designs and Celtic jewellery to display their satisfaction within their heritage and also to spend tribute to their ancestry. Celtic Tattoo Designs are really complicated styles which need a tattoo artist having a powerful know-how of Celtic fine art. They're hard to carry out correctly, and anybody desiring a Celtic Tattoo Designs ought to be certain to lookup to get a tattoo artist who's knowledgeable, and educated, on this function. The complicated styles need cautious placement of lines along with a great eye for detail. They are abilities possessed by fairly couple of artists.
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