on top of an image and choose "desktop" or "wallpaper".
Monday, June 20, 2011
Justin Bieber photos salutes the fans free wallpapers in Blue Island background
on top of an image and choose "desktop" or "wallpaper".
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Alogaritma Google
Kapan ya bisa tahu sedikit alogaritma si mbah google?
Kabarnya ditahun 2011 ini yang jelas diterapkan mbah google dalam alogaritmanya untuk memerangi blog-blog AGC dan UGC sudah di terpkan di Amerika dan negara negara maju sekitarnya, kalo di indonesia saya masih jumpai banyak berkeliaran blog dummy di google.co.id
semakin penasaran dengan optimasi apa yang perlu dilakukan dengan alogaritma terebut, sepertinya cuma main putih aja yang bakal aman dari perburuan itu, untuk optimasi menembus si mbah, saya serahkan pada yang lebih berwenang :)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Scandal - Haruka Lyric
Yakusoku nante iranai yo ne haruka hanarete ite mo
Umaku ienai ya kotoba tte tayorinai ne
Kokoro toridasette shimaeba raku nanoni na
Oboeta bakari no uta okuru youna gikochinasa de
Boku wa sayonara no kawari ni mata ne to itta
Hareta hi no sora ni omoide egakidasu yo
Nakimushi kakushita kimi no yasashii uso wo wasuretakunai ya
Namida nante nagasanai yo owari ja nai hajimari sa
Samishisa wo wakeatte mo mae ni susumenai kara
Nande darou? Yasashisatte itsumo ato de wakaru mono
Kimi to ita hi ga kagayaite boku wa aruite ikeru
Donna mainichi mo genjitsumi wo mashite iku ne
Ookina udedokei ni oware SURURI nuketeku
Mezashita GOORU wa menimieru youna mono ja nai kedo
Koronde tsuita kizo ato wa boku jishin sa
Yume wa itsumo hakanai mono kaze ga fukeba kiesou de
Makenai youni kesanai youni daiji ni motte itai
Namida nante niawanai yo donna toki mo waratte te
Kimi no shitteru boku de iru yo haruka hanarete ite mo
Akegata no HOOMU nandaka setsunaku naru
Ano hi hanashita kimi no te no nukumori ga wasurerarenai ya
Namida nante nagasanai yo owari ja nai hajimari sa
Yakusoku nante iranai yo ne zutto omotteru kara
Itsu no hi ka kanaerareru ai wa kimi no soba ni aru
Kitto kanarazu mata deaeru haruka hanarete ite mo
Kawari yuku toki no naka de ano hi no kimi de ite ne
Scandal - Shoujo S Lyric
sakki made to itteru koto chigau ja nai
chotto dake sugao miseta keredo
zutto iraira iraira shite wa
atashi o mono mitai ni atsukatte
sakki made to itteru koto chigau ja nai
dareka no sei ni shite wa nigekakure shiteru hibi
ate ni naranai wa I'm sorry toriaezu sayonara
anata ga inai to iya iya tte ieru wagamama
(zutto kienai you ni kesanai you ni)
aijou? yuujou? shiritai koto wa nandemo
(aimai sugite wakaranai yo)
itsuka kokoro no oku no doa o tataku anata o matteiru
sakki kara jibun no koto bakkari ja nai
chotto gurai kizutsuite mitara?
sou yatte yasashii kotoba de gomakasanaide
shinjirarenai wa kakkotsukenaide yo
nannen tatte mo itsu ni natte mo yamenaide
atashi ga inai to dame dame tte itte sunao ni
(motto hoshigatte yo tsuyogaranaide)
ai no zanzou yumemiru shoujo esukeepu
(tsukamattari nigekittari)
itsuka kokoro no kagi o kowasu you na...
anata ga inai to iya iya tte ieru wagamama
(zutto kienai you ni kesanai you ni)
aijou? yuujou? shiritai koto wa nandemo
(aimai sugite wakaranai yo)
itsuka kokoro no oku o daitekureru anata o matteiru
hoka ni wa nanimo iranai ya iya iya iya
ashita mo shinjiteitai iya iya iya iya iya iya
Scandal - Satisfaction Lyric
Hey You! Tarinakunai? Ai
Anytime! Kangaetatte
No! No! Ashita mo Baby Baby
Koko mama tooku made
Flyaway iketara...
Ki ga tsukeba
LOVE PAASENTO ga kiken na no desu
Sekaichuu ga sakenderu
Ima sugu ni
Tokimeki wo kanjite
Always! Kimi datte kitto
Maybe! Samishigariya desho
Itsu kara nareatte
I can't sunao ni
Itsumoyori gyutto
Sekaichuu ga sawagidasu
Ima sugu ni
Tokimeki wo kanjite
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Medium short hair styles

Medium short hair styles for celebrities

Hilary Duff Medium short hair styles

Jesica Alba Medium short hair styles

Medium short hair styles for women

Medium short hair styles

Medium short hair styles

Medium short hair styles

Medium short hair styles

Medium short hair styles
Medium Short Hairstyles,Short to medium hairstyles can be very comfortable. They are just the right length between long and short. Medium hair length is like the best of both worlds. You can have characteristics of both short hair and long hair. Some styles can be short or long or in between.
Super short hair styles

Super short hair styles

Super short hair styles

Victoria Beckham Super short hair styles
Super short hair styles for womens

Super short hair styles

Sarah Harding super short hair styles

Sheron Stone super short hairstyles
super short hairstyles for blonde hair Super short styles are often styled with the use of pomade or hair wax that can help to create texture within the hair. Most super short styles appear thin and therefore these types of styling products can help add texture to the hair, creating volume throughout the entire length of the hair, even though there may be less length within the hair, there can still be body that can contribute to a stylish short hair do.
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Victoria beckham new short hair styles

Rihana new short hair styles

new short hair styles for women

new short hair styles

new short hair styles

Get the latest styling tips & celebrity hairstyle ideas for short, medium, long, ... looks can be produced like classic bobs and sleek simple cuts. ... See what the scoop is on this latest hairstyle trend that many teens and Indies are
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short hair style for men

short hair style for men

short hair style for men

Men short hair styles,Find your hairstyle within hundreds of hairstyle pictures in our short, medium long & celebrity hairstyle galleries for men and women.short Men Hairstyles,Men Hairstyles,Men Hair styles,Men short Hairstyles Pictures,Men short Hair styles Photos,Men Hair styles images,Male Haircuts,Medium Men Hair.
very short hair styles

very short hair styles for women

Sheron Stone very short hair styles

Natalie Portman very short hair styles

very short hair styles for girls

very short hair styles

Very Short Hairstyles are a symbol of comfortability and easy maintainenace for women.They are at the top of the hairstyles gallery list for versatility and style.There are some very short hairstyles that can be made appropriate for individuals with larger or more prominent facial features. Bangs or larger wisps of hair and even layered very short hairstyles can be used to disguise these prominent hairstyles.
Monday, June 6, 2011
What Makes Belly Rings The Most Popular Body Jewelry
Why are belly rings the most popular body piercing jewelry? One word can answer that question: sexy. This type of pierce is most certainly the sexiest type of piercing that a female can have. While some facial piercing can be seen as perhaps a bit extreme and other types of piercings might not show when one has their clothes on, what makes belly rings the most popular body jewelry is that in warm temperatures, one can easily show the piercing off and guys will be drooling! What could make a tummy sexier than a d`ngling, sparkling belly button piece of art? Find out how the proper way to get that belly pierced!
Sure, when it comes to jewelry we have tons of choices. We can decorate our ears with earrings, although they can be sexy, if your hair is long enough those earrings won’t even show. Necklaces are great accessories to outfits and the right necklace can pull together an outfit; however it does not yell “sexy”. Bracelets are cute and especially if you have matching or coordinating bracelets and necklaces, your look will be very nicely pulled together; but they don’t quite scream “sexy” either.
Rings are wonderful, if you keep your nails nice, rings can catch someone’s attention and the right rings can let others know that you have the mullah to treat your digits to some bling. But again, rings do not exactly scream “sexy”! Anklets are perhaps the second sexiest body jewelry; they can be very tantalizing to the opposite sex. Some may argue that belly chains run a close second as well.
The single sexiest pieces of jewelry you can have are belly rings. Why are belly rings the most popular body jewelry, you may ask. Plenty of reasons. Men find them extremely teasing and sexy, especially if you have a shirt that ends right where the piercing begins. Or perhaps a top that teases the piercing and depending on how you move, others will see glimpses of your piercing and only want to see more.
10 Beasiswa Teraneh di Dunia

Selain dari daftar ususal hibah yang berguna dan beasiswa, ada beasiswa yang aneh dan tidak biasa yang mahasiswa bisa dapatkan. Bagian terbaik tentang beasiswa ini adalah bahwa Anda tidak benar-benar perlu akademis secara luar biasa. Anda hanya perlu memiliki beberapa fitur khas atau hobi. Beberapa jenis beasiswa yang paling aneh adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Beasiswa Orang Kidal

Karena siswa kidal begitu banyak, beasiswa ini ditawarkan oleh Juanita College di Pennsylvania, adalah salah satu beasiswa yang paling umum dan dicari orang.
2. Beasiswa Toko Es Krim Nasional

Jika Anda bekerja di beberapa toko es krim, Anda mungkin memenuhi persyaratan untuk beasiswa ini. Jika Anda cukup beruntung, majikan Anda mungkin akan merekomendasikan Anda, dan Anda mungkin mengambil satu dari 17 $ 1.000 beasiswa.
3. Beasiswa Patrick Kerr Skateboard

Satu lagi beasiswa yang tidak biasa. Beasiswa ini dapat bergna bagi orang yang memiliki bakat skateboard
4. Beasiswa Nama Belakang Orang Yang Aneh

beasiswa ini biasa disajikan oleh Universitas Loyola di Chicago diberikan kepada siswa dengan nama-nama terakhir yang paling tidak biasa, yang terbaik sejauh ini adalah nama "Zolp"
5. Beasiswa Asma

Kedengarannya sangat aneh yang bahkan alergi Anda dapat memenangkan jumlah beasiswa yang besar. American Academy of Allergy, Asma dan Imunologi terutama bertanggung jawab untuk mensponsori beasiswa unik ini.
6. Kontes Beasiswa Stuck at Prom Duck Brand Duct Tape

Ini adalah sebuah kontes yang tidak biasa diadakan setiap tahun pada musim semi, dimana para siswa membuat dan mengenakan pakaian formal untuk bersaing mendapatkan hadiah beasiswa $ 2,500. Hadiah kedua dan ketiga adalah untuk mendapatkan beasiswa sebesar $ 1.000 dan $ 500 masing-masing.
7. Turnamen Kejuaraan Poker Online

Jika Anda adalah seorang juara di permainan poker, ini adalah kesempatan emas Anda untuk memenangkan jumlah besar sebagai hadiah beasiswa.
8. Beasiswa Orang Vegetarian

beasiswa ini disponsori oleh Vegetarian Resource Group hanya untuk orang dengan kebiasaan makan sayur-sayuran.
9. Beasiswa Klub Mahasiswa Tertinggi Internasional

Orang-orang tinggi sekarang memiliki kesempatan untuk ambil beberapa beasiswa yang bagus. Beasiswa ini pada dasarnya hanya mempertimbangkan tinggi seorang mahasiswa yaitu 5'10 "bagi siswa perempuan dan 6'2" untuk siswa laki-laki.
10. Beasiswa Ketepatan Meramal Masa Depan

Beasiswa ini agak sedikit berbeda dari apa yang namanya penghargaan, kontes ini sebenarnya adalah untuk mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam ilmu ekonomi. Peserta diharuskan untuk 'membeli dan menjual" prediksi masa depan hanya sebagai salah satu akan membeli saham.
sumber: http://www.mypepito.info/2010/06/10-beasiswa-teraneh-di-dunia.html